Wednesday 26 February 2014

Dividing the fame

6– Dividing the frame
Find 6 or so images earlier examples of earlier work and try to find the balance in them.

This image may not be balanced at all!  I liked it because my three sons and dog create a unit which is separate to the other units in the photo.

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 I think the second image is well balanced although diagonally rather than horizontally.

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I think the balance here is pretty central and the shoes are balanced by their regular balanced shape and the  mirroring negative space around them

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I think the two women balance each other out working together to bring the puppet alive and their positions and expressions reflect that, as does the shape of the image

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This one is more difficult for me to work out.  The repeat pattern of vertical lines create a strength of structure and the way the lines converge at the top right hand corner seem to balance out the figure of the man at the bottom left hand corner.

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The woman is balanced by the pictures on the wall.  Her glasses are balanced by the shape at the bottom of the left hand side of the frame.

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