Tuesday 28 October 2014

Two things and some other stuff (Chris Friel, Jame's Elkin and Camera Lucida)

Anyone who dismisses Flickr is bonkers. I've read of people (tutors and students) saying it's mostly derivative and no-one bothers with it anymore.  Well, I find that not to be the case and have come across some incredibly talented people there.  I have been following Chris Friel whose work I think is extraordinarily powerful.  It's like he is making images that go straight to the unconscious part of ourselves, dreams and memories from all of history, not just one's own - I remember reading that it was now known that we carry memory in our genetic makeup which made perfect sense to me.  I also think that this long historical memory is part of a collective consciousness and Chris Friel's images for me explore some or much of that.  Last night he followed me back and sent me a link to all the people he is influenced by.  I would never have had this opportunity otherwise, so thanks to Flickr for providing it.

I will write an entry of Friel's work another time when I have thought a little more about it. 

In the meantime, I am also enjoying James Elkin's book, What Photography Is far more than I thought I would.  When I have finished it I shall of course write about it here; but yet again this is something I discovered on Flickr.  Although only because he was being accused of elitism by another person on the site.  I should think he is extremely elitist but reading through the book he dismisses practically every photographer and every genre, for some purpose which I'll discuss later, but also to be provocative so I can't see the point in getting upset by him.  It's a very useful book to be reading so soon after reading Camera Lucida.

Finally, before I go - I am feeling frustrated and torn between two different and seemingly opposing routes.  I desperately want to continue heading in the direction I've been going and feel frustrated I'm not there (which is of course daft because where on earth is there? At the end of the rainbow no doubt!) but am also pulled towards something that seems virtually impossible anyway, so why am I even thinking about it when the blurry arty stuff beckons?  Maybe because it is a possible route to earning something out of this venture.  I am a little envious of photographers who are photographing issues and people to tell stories that need telling.  I have been looking at some incredible work tonight and in the last few weeks by photographers and think that would be amazing to do.  Far away though - as I have children who need me here.  Maybe that's why I look at these people and think about it - a fantasy!  Perhaps there may be a way to pursue such photography in a few years locally by which I mean the UK - there are after all plenty of issues here that need looking at.  I'm not even sure as I write that  that sort of photography is what I would want to do - perhaps I just feel I ought to.  Something to think about in the months to come.

For now I do feel like I'm sliding about all over the place on legs that don't quite work in shoes that don't quite fit as I try to figure out where it is I'm aiming for.  Or what is it.  Of why I'm even doing it!

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