Friday 3 October 2014

Assignment 3 colour maps and notes for individual images

1. I am not sure if this actually constitutes an accent.  At any rate the red is on black rather than a colour.  

2. This was taken in the first batch of photos I tried.  I liked the way there was a 'ghost' but the actual main section was more or less in focus.  Not all the images do this but I have spent a lot of time trying to get that effect.  Although red and blue are contrasting colours, the red becomes a much darker in the shadows moving closer to violet which is similar to the blue.

 3. Red and orange are similar and the different variations of the these colours all seem to stay within the same part of the colour circle.  I like the softeness. The yellow is created by the light which was very yellow, however, I have used Lightroom to enhance that.

 4. The red lips work as an accent against the green hair.  The hand is quite yellow which is similar to the green.

5. Red and yellow are contrasting colours.  The hair has orange in it from the way it is lit and orange is similar to both the contrasting colours.

 6. Red accent on green.  The green is similar to the blue fabric.

 7. This one is complicated.  I wanted to have violet and yellow and the blue wig is often purple when not lit.  But I also wanted some lighting so the image is harmonious in that it has yellow and violet but also contrasting between the yellow and blue and harmonious between the blue and violet.

 8. Red and orange are similar colours.  The very clear second exposure from the long shutter speed also shows the hair lit which turns brown hair to red.

 9. This is orange and violet which contrasts.  But the violet is also blue in places and is in reality very blue.  I really questioned this image because it is so undefined but in the end it fitted shape wise and also being totally undefined at times is probably an accurate portrayal.

10. Red and green are harmonious colours and apart from the slight yellow highlights I think this one is pretty straightforward.

 11. This is mostly similar because of the pink and purple but then that wig does it's thing again and the lit up part is blue which contrasts.  I think this may be the most successful image of all of them and perhaps by quite a long way.

 12. Pink and red and orange, similar.  I think the most troubling thing with this one and some others that are very blurry is how they might print.  Blogger doesn't cope with the colours here very well at all so please make sure you view it on the slide show!  (I like the opposing tension in this shapes here which I have to say is thanks to a director called Bill Hopkinson who I worked with 20 years ago  at drama school.  I wouldn't do what he was asking then for some reason, but a variation has worked well here all these years later.)

 13. I like this image.  It's purple with red which are similar but the yellow lighting on the blouse and face is harmonious with the purple scarf, and contrasting with the red wig.  Seeing this image now I feel it needs to be cropped ever so slightly.

14. Red and blue contrasting.  I nearly didn't use this as there is no blur at all so wondered if it didn't fit with the rest.  But the skirt does have an element of translucence.  And the tone of the image sort of fits in with the narrative if there is one at this point in the sequence.

15. I have to say this image is one that I am really uncertain about... it may be that it is just too ridiculous to the point of being hilarious.  Anyway, it's meant to be an example of a red accent especially with the pattern on the blouse.

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