Wednesday 28 May 2014

Rythms & Patterns

Produce at least 2 photographs, one should convey rhythm, the other pattern:

The Natural History Museum was a perfect place to find some rhythm and pattern although to be honest I was hoping to find some triangles.  I think it is quite fitting to have visited here since I currently think a great deal about human nature and how, for all our 'civilisation', we are basically apes without hair who evolved from lizards and before that fish and before that cells and goop.  The various levels of socialisation seemingly only go so far to protect us from those less sophisticated impulses.

Pattern 1: I have cropped this tightly to create the illusion of a never ending pattern although not sure I succeeded.  Nevertheless I like the pattern created.  I think the Natural History Museum is a great place to be looking at pattern and rhythm as those two words do sum up life, be it plant, animal or mineral (not sure about the whole sub-quantum physics dimension as from the one or two documentaries I've watched there is little pattern and rhythm down there at all... if I understood it correctly!) ISO 1250 f2.8 1/60

Pattern 2:  This is a more definite infinite pattern than the first but may be too abstract for some tastes.  I love the reflections and am grateful to museums for creating such interesting spaces to take your camera and have a play. ISO 6400 f2.8 1/60

Rhythm:  It's not very original to take a slow shutter speed photograph of a busy main entrance in a museum and I have certainly taken more than one.  A really interesting photo with slow shutter speeds that I saw (not mine) was taken at Liverpool Street Station and all the people were out of focus but a number of clocks in focus.  I like that the dinosaur tail is in focus but the much tinier homo-sapiens all blurred.  I think the photo captures the rhythm of a busy day during half-term at said museum which was pretty hectic and busy.  I do suspect the brief was looking for a different sort of rhythm and may look through my photos from yesterday and see if any others suggest rhythm in an a different way.  ISO 800 f16 1sec

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