Wednesday 26 November 2014

Reflection for A4 & A5

For some reason blue and gold are without any conscious planning becoming important colours for me.  Many of the images I have taken and like recently have had strong blue tones in them and some have had gold too.  There is also sparkle which is quite unlike I me, I just say!  It's almost a bit like space perhaps.

Today I was thinking about some characters I have either played or been in productions with, Cassandra from The Woman of Troy & Belisa from Lorca's Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden (and how he tried to please her).  The Greek play in my mind is a very red play although Cassandra seems blue - perhaps this is because that's how it was when I was in it - who knows, it was a very long time ago.  Belisa talks about Lapis Lazuli, I don't think I even wore blue!  - I remember enjoying the feel of those words lapis lazuli on my mouth as I said them.  I think these characters are important somehow for the work - probably only as influences but we'll see.  I wanted to use Lorca in the Colour assignment somehow too.

I remember Cassandra being delusional, however what she said was true - but no-one believed her. Or pretended not to.  Or weren't able to face the truth somehow.  So she was deemed mad - to be honest, she seemed mad from what I recall.

I must read both plays and have ordered them.  They will be important in both assignments.  I am beginning to see A4 as a rehearsal or preparatory work for A5.

The other iconic blue female character from our culture and history is Mary - not sure she started off wearing a blue cape but the lapis lazuli needed to create the paint in her cloak was very expensive and luxurious making it the thing for her.  The thing about Mary and her virgin birth that has always struck me is that here we are with this story that we are all told where only a woman who hadn't had sex could possibly be good enough to give birth to God's son - because someone women who have had sex are sullied, not good enough, ruined.  It's a powerful story to exist with.

In the meantime I have been distracted and have fallen behind my schedule with the light exercises - I must find a way to get on with these now.  Although I am going to need some sun!

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